الجلسرين النباتي للخلطات المنزلية


الجلسرين النباتي (USP 99.5٪)

مزيد من التفاصيل

هذا المنتج لم يعد متوفراً

JD 2.25


Vegetable Glycerin (V.G)
Place of Origin : Malaysia
Pure Assay (USP).......≥ Min 99,5%

Product Description

Food Grade Vegetable Glycerin
99.5+% Concentration
Our vegetable glycerin is of the highest quality and rated as USP / Food Grade. It is a clear, viscous liquid with a density of 10.5 lb per gallon.
Source: Vegetable Glycerin is produced from Palm Fruit. These palm fruits are grown on dwarf palm trees in Malaysia.

Are you mixing your own recipes at home, if so you will no doubt need Vegetable Glycerin.

Vegetable Glycerin is a thicker substance than PG so needs thinning down with  ionised water, propylene glycol.

Available in sizes, 100 ML, 250 ML, 500 ML, 1 Liter.



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تقييمات العملاء على هذا المنتج


Makes high quality e-liquid

Excellent product. Good value. You purchase PG also.

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الجلسرين النباتي للخلطات المنزلية

الجلسرين النباتي للخلطات المنزلية

الجلسرين النباتي (USP 99.5٪)

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